Link between "bad teeth" and guttate psoriasis?

Posted Tue 11 Oct 2016 15.23 by Pauliehunt

I have recently experienced my second acute flare up of guttate psoriasis in 3 years. This time it has badly impacted my face, as well as the rest of my body. I may have some separate questions regarding treatments, but a friend has just said that her husband had the same symptoms as me, and his doctor said the throat bacteria was caused/worsened by the poor state of his teeth! His doctor prescribed a very specific antibiotic for the viral infection, and apparently it was a miracle cure! No creams were needed. Has anyone heard this before? I do happen to have bad teeth (well not the worst you've seen, but not great) and gums, and so it obviously struck a chord with me. I am,currently on Phenoxymethylpenicillin and worry it is not the best one. It's difficult to question a GP's judgement, but I am pretty desperate to get this sorted and a dermatology appointment will not come through for weeks. Many thanks!

Posted Wed 12 Oct 2016 21.06 by Cole
Periodic acute outbreaks of guttate psoriasis. Scalp and plaque psoriasis ongoing.

I've never heard that about the teeth! I had a massive outbreak of guttate in January and because of the severity I was placed on the phototherapy list. I started it in June and just finished last week. I now only have a few patches which is amazing! My bout was triggered by a severely bad throat (likely strep virus). The dermatologist indicated that if the doc would do a throat swab whenever I get a bad throat then hopefully I could get the right antibiotics quicker. However when I said this to the GP they didn't look impressed! X

Posted Tue 25 Oct 2016 02.57 by JenSussex94

I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis in 2012. It covered at least every inch of my body. When I didn't know what it was I researched it and saw there was a link to having sore throats etc baring in mind I'm always ill!! So I think it can trigger an outbreak. I had to go every week for months to a hospital for photo/light therapy. The results were amazing. I now just suffer with scalp psoriasis which I use t gel shampoo neutrogena for and I use an ointment for any outbreaks that I sometimes get, called diprosalyic ointment. Ive been poorly recently so my psoriasis has become a lot worse, but this cream is amazing, I have never had to go back for photo therapy. Hope this helps? Jen

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