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04 August 2016

Psoteen Website Relaunched

Our Psoteen website is specifically for teenagers and young adults who are living with psoriasis

We've just relaunched our Psoteen website for teenagers and young adults who are living with psoriasis. Changes to the website include a new look and feel, featuring real images of young people living with the condition, as well as easier site navigation and improvements to the forums.

PsoTeen logo (square)Being a teenager or a young adult can be difficult enough, without the extra pressure of dealing with psoriasis, so we wanted to ensure that we provide a wide range of information and support for young people.

If you are a young person living with psoriasis then this site is for you! If you have a friend or young family member who may be struggling with the condition, then please do let them know about Psoteen.

You can check out the new Psoteen website here!