Eating Blueberries has cleared up my psoriasis

Posted Tue 18 Jun 2024 16.42 by Sthnguyen

In regards to blueberries, they helped me before carnivore and causes no issues after carnivore so I still use it everyday. It is the only plant food I eat. It is low in plant toxins and sugars. I drink it in a smoothy up to three cups a day. Its easy for me while on carnivore to see if I am not good with a particular food as I get itchy skin immediately, an itching pimple somewhere on my body or long term a small rash develops. But blueberries are good with me.

Posted Sat 22 Jun 2024 07.44 by gr4nts

Hi Sthnguyen, Thanks for the reply - I am 1-2 months in and doing well. I would guess a wise plan would be to wait until I can identify problem food in the way you do before introducing blueberries. Fingers crossed and the best of luck to you!

Posted Thu 8 Aug 2024 11.44 by Warren

If you go back on this forum u will find that i tried 20 aday blueberries for 6 weeks 2008, 6 years ago. At that time my psoriasis cleared, and have never returned to the same 70%coverage. It was a massive change in my life. Since then, i get the odd flare up, but when i get back on the blueberries it soon dies off. I am so greatful after having psoriasis for 50 years that i found this site. The consultant in the hospital told me psoriasis was nothing to do with diet, but eating blueberries has worked for me. So greatful to Phil Warren

Posted Wed 21 Aug 2024 16.30 by atena

Hi guys I am new to this site but I am very happy that I found it. For a few weeks now I have been dealing with a psoriasis of my daughter after a throat infection, something new for me. As a desperate mother to see her child full of bumps from head to toe and refusing to apply steroid creams, I tried to find natural methods of treatment. I came to the website of this lady who produces the magical goat kefir and more and which seems to successfully treat a lot of skin conditions. I am attaching the website with the magical kefir , the skin care products and the prebiotic. The kefir needs to drink it and also can be mix and apply on the skin but it is better to talk to the lady. She has a team of nutritionists and dermatologists working with also offers online supervising. I am trying in the morning the kefir and the blueberries , also diet free gluten and cow milk and sugar. Apply the lotion on the skin .

Posted Wed 21 Aug 2024 21.56 by Sthnguyen (edited Wed 21 Aug 2024 22.01 by Sthnguyen)

Being that I eliminated my psoriasis after 40 years, in two months after being on a carnivore diet, I also found things that causes it to come back. Unfortunately, for me I not only have to be a carnivore, but really only beef and fish. My body now is very sensitive to the foods I eat. It could’ve been those non-beef foods that were causing my psoriasis, but I don’t really know. The thing that my body is most sensitive to now is sugars and carbohydrates or grains. Your daughter probably cannot eliminate carbohydrates from her diet because it would require for her to eat a lot of fats in place of that and that would be tough to do for most people, but I recommend you trying to eliminate sugar from her diet and see how her body does. My skin now gets an instant itch after I eat sugars. You may want to see if your daughter reacts the same. I do want to add that many people have completely cleared their psoriasis being on a carnivore diet. So when all else fails, you might want to consider that. Anyhow, carnivore is an elimination diet that will allow you to add in foods that does not inflame your skin. To really test whether carnivore really helps your daughter and find what foods is not good for her , I would just give her 80% burger patties (please do get fatty beef) , steaks etc. and butter (1-3 tablespoon with her meal) as her meals for a few days. If her psoriasis goes away or gets less inflamed then you know she’s allergic to something she’s eating. She may very well have a leaky gut, or is histamine intolerant.. Add back foods that do not inflame her skin. There’s tons of information on the Internet , and YouTube, X (Twitter). Check this website out. It’s a good idea for your daughter to take a control of her psoriasis now. I think the longer that you let psoriasis take hold the harder it will be to get rid of it. Psoriasis seems to be a positive feedback loop. The more you have it the worse it gets. On the other hand if you can get rid of it 100% then it doesn’t come back. Everybody is different, so as they say, your mileage may vary. Good luck.

Posted Sun 1 Sep 2024 11.11 by Sarah

Hi my daughter has been suffering from psoriasis on her scalp behind the ears cut and some patches on her body... since 2019.... hv been on ayurveda.. which helped but never fully clear and scalp psoriasis it seems is the worst one to calm.... have started blueberries been five days only... will definitely share the results... just curious to know if you all soak the berries overnight or not.

Posted Sun 1 Sep 2024 11.20 by Pladecalvo

@ Sarah. Eat the berries as they come in the you would eat them straight from the bush.

1 Posted Mon 30 Sep 2024 12.47 by Lyndsey

Hi, Just a message to say I'm so grateful I found this post. Have had plaque psoriasis for the last 20 years all over my body including scalp and soles of feet. I am just over 1 week into eating the blueberries and the change is nothing short of a miracle. The flakes have gone from most of the skin, the redness has gone and i can see new skin coming through on most of the skin on my arms, legs and torso. I'm telling everyone i know to pass on the knowledge. After so many steroid creams and treatments I cant believe this has been the answer.

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