Suffering with fatigue

Posted Wed 31 May 2017 19.57 by hobnobwomble

Hi, I am going through light therapy at them moment and I have yet to see any changes in my skin. The topical treatments like Dobavet and Betnovate do work in the short term for me, but does anyone else suffer with serious fatigue? I do power lifting and that always makes tired, but it's lasting for like four, five days? just curious if anyone else out there has the same problem.

Posted Wed 31 May 2017 22.04 by happy

Doesn't sound good - you should see your doctor. Could be a side effect of the Dobavet.

Posted Wed 31 May 2017 22.53 by hobnobwomble

I saw my GP today and they told me that my psoriasis is too severe and it is not in there remit and have referred me back to the dermatologist. I have read up that it is a side affect of Dobavet, but I have also read that fatigue is also a part of psoriasis. Don't know how true that is though. I have changed to betnovate, but wonder if I should stop all medication.

Posted Thu 1 Jun 2017 22.59 by happy

Serious fatigue lasting four or five days isn't normal. The change in medications might help, but if you still have problems you should definitely talk again to your GP or dermatologist. As for stopping all medication, whilst that might help your body recover from the fatigue, you would either have to put up with the itch of psoriasis or do something like changing your diet to become clear. Whilst a change in diet may sound easy in theory, it takes a lot of will power - you pretty much have to have at least three weeks where you avoid sweet foods, avoid anything with wheat in it, avoid dairy, avoid potatoes, and avoid things high in saturated fat (meats etc.), which is a huge task, instead eating lots of vegetables (except tomatoes, peppers, aubergines), things like fish or chia or flaxseeds with omega 3 in them, maybe gluten free wholemeal carbs, and take things to heal like slippery elm tea, nettle tea, garlic etc. Whilst it is great if you can manage to make all the diet changes needed to heal the psoriasis for good, making so many changes is very hard to do, so most people go with the medications option.

Posted Fri 2 Jun 2017 14.12 by DodgeWC51

Hi, I'm a newcomer here but recognise the symptoms. I'd get it to the doctor ASAP. I had a similar situation just before last Christmas, came on over a couple of weeks. Turned out to be Erythroderma, uncommon but bloody nasty. Get it checked just in case.

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