Related conditions

Posted Sun 27 Aug 2017 13.22 by Borg3of21

I have had psoriasis since the age of seven and now I'm approaching seventy. For much of my life I have only experienced the obvious symptoms but in recent years I've been afflicted with a number of seemingly unrelated complaints, most assumed to be Adrenal fatigue (exhaustion, weight loss, brain fog, dry mouth etc.) Neither my doctor nor my naturapath have suggested they may all be associated with Psoriasis but through my own research I believe there could be a link back to Psoriasis. Can anyone say from their own experience that there is a positive correlation? If so, would I be better treating the Psoriasis directly rather than the apparently unrelated conditions?

Posted Sun 27 Aug 2017 14.53 by thin-skinned
Irascible septuagenarian fed up with the psoriasis constantly at me :wink:

I suffered with infantile eczema that eased right off as early teen hormones took over. I then luckily grew almost blemish free skin until 22 when the dreaded P kicked in. I have no idea if any of my other health conditions were/are influenced by the P so I cant really advise you. However, if it was me with your dilemma, I would definitely treat the P directly and not link to other possibly unrelated conditions.

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