
Posted Fri 1 Sep 2017 12.31 by Joxx

Hi, has anyone had any experiences with enlarged tonsils and psoriasis? I had enlarged tonsils since I was 2 until recently getting them removed at 17 i basically had a permanent dormant throat infection for 2 years showing through lymph nods and headaches rather than sore throats but the day after my tonsils being removed my psoriasis disappeared, this was a shock for me as behind my ears were breaking and where infected and I was covered from my chest to belly button, scalp and back. I didn't hold out too much hope for it tho as I was scared to be hopeful, but a week after the op it's came back worse than ever I can barley move without it cracking and being sore as it's on areas that crease when I move. I knew something wasn't right as after the op I was throat pain free but now it was just unbearable so I finally made it to the doctors yesterday and they have gave me an antibiotic saying I have a throat infection, I'm hoping that when that clears my psoriasis might clear/calm down too, but just to let everyone know the best thing I've ever used for P is sorion shampoo and cream from amazon started to see a difference after one use!! I'm only writing all this to see if anyone else has had a connection with throats and psoriasis, thanks x

Posted Sun 3 Sep 2017 20.48 by andymiller101979

Hello, i had an enlarged tonsil which the doctors thought could have been cancer so took me in and took both tonsils out, yes one was swollen but they could not tell me why but it was not cancer, its just funny how you came up with the 1 enlarged tonsil thing, i had mine out about 3 years ago and nothing changed with my psoriasis it stayed the same. i am 37 now

Posted Sun 3 Sep 2017 22.14 by Joxx

Yeah both mine where enlarged for years and the day/ day after I got them out was just weird that my psoriasis disappeared and then when I got an infection it came back worse, just because I know there are links to strep throat and stuff

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