Gluten free helping husbands psorasis

Posted Fri 3 Nov 2017 14.15 by Anne123
Husband suffers from it and am hoping to see what has helped others.

My husband has tried gluten free for six weeks and his psorasis is approx 30% improved. He has had psorasis for roughly 20 years and it's quite severe. Light treatment at hospital did help and then it immediate came back once it stopped. I really wish his GP or dermatologist had told him years ago to try gluten free, it was just after me googling it all recently and reading it could be down to leaky gut syndrome he thought he would try it. It's a lot easier to do than I expected as Main supermarkets now all have a gluten free section. I just wanted to post this incase it is of interest to anyone else. I realise it might not help everyone but for Steve there is quite a big iimprovement. ,

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