Giving up hope!

Posted Sat 7 Apr 2018 18.48 by Claire89 (edited Sat 7 Apr 2018 18.52 by Claire89)

I've been suffering from psoriasis for 5 years wasn't bad but has progressed aggressively now all over my body. I feel so ashamed of my body that my relationship is suffering after 8 years together it's not him it's me though. I have to start methotrexate but I have tried everything else from creams to steroid treatments to uv lighting. It takes over you life......

Posted Sat 7 Apr 2018 19.40 by Hanna ☀ (edited Sat 7 Apr 2018 19.40 by Hanna ☀ )
Early years practitioner 🌸

I know exactly how you feel. It really does take over your life, all I have done for the past week is cry even though mine is minor compared to others. You just need to remember that it's not what's on the outside it is whats in the inside. Keep up with your treatment and please carry on being strong xx

Posted Sun 8 Apr 2018 06.16 by new to it

i hear you , I also feel as though the disease has taken away my life - my psoriasis isn't so bad, in my case it is the horrible joint pain i have ALL over ALL my joints that stops me in my tracks, but we all need to be positive. first of all' worrying and suffering does not help you in any way, on the contrary - stress aggravates psoriasis/. secondly' you need your strength to cope with the disease, so why burden yourself with bad feelings as well/ thirdly , there are medicines that CAN help! methotrexate is one of them / it didn;t work for my joints but i know personally a few people for which this ed has been a salvation/ so try it with confidence and hope!

Posted Sun 8 Apr 2018 10.11 by Claire89

Thank you for the comments it's nice to hear I'm no the only one who feels like giving up sometimes. I am trying to stay positive now...

Posted Thu 12 Apr 2018 20.23 by Angels66
have had the conditions since the birth of my 10 year old and have had huge flare ups and bouts of depression at the worst times

Hi Claire, Im also a sufferer. I've had P for over 15 years now. In the last year I have had the worst flare up to date. I've got plaques everywhere. My scalp is covered and I also have it on my feet and nails. I'm completely depressed and at the end of my tether. I've recently been referred to a specialist dermatologist. They suggested Sterala injections and it sounded like a dream but it turns out I have a latex allergy so now this won't be possible. I'm crushed. I love a good night out with friends and holidaying with my family. But now I don't want to leave the house. I don't know anyone else with psoriasis as bad as mine and most people just think its an itchy rash. But I'm tired of going out and leaving my DNA on the chairs or floor. I'm so embarrassed when I see my horrible yellow woody looking skin on my friends furniture that I just don't bother visiting anymore. I can't wear black and lots of materials just irritate the hell out of my arms and legs and of course I spend my life covering up. I sound really pathetic and I'm normally an up beat and cheery person. I've exhausted most of the lotions, potions and the pills. I've had light therapy, which did work up until the last treatment in December that didn't make one bit of difference. I'm in such a low place right now I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I've just recently joined this forum and have been interested in all the comments about treatments but I'm now drawn to how people actually cope day to day. This reply probably made you feel worse and I'm sorry for that but I actually feel a wee bit better for writing this......Angela

Posted Fri 13 Apr 2018 13.16 by Mary1968 (edited Fri 13 Apr 2018 13.17 by Mary1968)

Hello Claire89 Please don't give up hope. You will find something that works. May take a while, but if you keep plodding on, you will find answers. I am now in my 50's and have had psoriasis my whole life. Nothing worked until I hit 40, and I cleared myself with dietary changes. Doctor told me not to bother, as said diet didn't work. He was (like 99% of doctors out there) wrong on the subject. Glad I didn't listen to him :) For the past ten years I have been maintaining clear plaque-free skin by continuing with that diet. Not a cure obviously. But I don't care. As lovely to wander around in short sleeves and shorts without people pointing or commenting. Just look at all your options - especially ones outside the box! Remember: never give up

Posted Sun 22 Apr 2018 15.00 by Sharon

Hi Please do not give up i also suffer from psoriasis and now think it’s affecting my nails and possibly my joints With regards to dealing with the skin psoriasis I have been using Enstilar- I had to ask the GP for it they’d never heard of it but it’s worked wonders for me. It comes in a can and is in a spray foam - some of my smaller affected areas have completely gone. The larger areas whilst still there, I can see a huge difference. For example both my elbows are affected and I find this embarrassing as people cannot help but stare. Whilst using Enstilar, the areas are less noticeable more like red patches rather than huge dried patches of skin. I really hope this helps you too as nothing before really helped me but everyone’s condition is different Xx

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