
Posted Thu 26 Apr 2018 10.27 by Hoggles

Hi - I was diagnosed with PsA about 5 years ago I have PPP am on Methotrexate and Simponi - have recently been suffering with a lot of muscular pain and worse fatigue (if that's possible) than normal and quite sensitive to impact pain i.e. if I knock my hand on a door frame I just want to vomit (apologies) - Any thought on whether this is just the PsA kicking my butt or should I tackle the doc/Rheum about possible Fibro, I also have Acromegaly which took 10 years and more visits to doctors than I care to remember to get diagnosed so I am a bit reticent to bring things up as a 'do you think it could be...' Thanks forany advises guys :)

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