Very new to psoriasis - any help much appreciated

Posted Sat 12 May 2018 09.18 by SS1980

Hi, I’m 38 and I’m new to Psoriasis. I’ve had what the doctor(s) call eczema/seb dermatitis on my face (and scalp) for about 10 years, but only there. About 6 weeks ago I noticed some similar red dots on my arms and the doctor gave me Eumovate. It did sort of work in that the ones I used it on went (slowly) but new ones kept coming up elsewhere on my arms, and then my legs, and now it’s pretty much all over. Only small spots generally (7mm diameter) but it’s spreading. The doctor has sent for a dermatologist’s appointment but there’s a six month waiting list and as they’re spreading fast, I asked if I could be seen quicker but they blankly said no. I appreciate there’s a waiting list but I thought it might be seen more preferable to help now rather than leave it to get worse for 6 months. It seems to be better one day and then twice as bad the next (one step forward, two steps back so to speak). Does anyone have a similar beginning to their psoriasis as me? And does anyone have any tips if they consider their early days? Thank you

Posted Sun 13 May 2018 19.33 by Gaming Empty Nester

Sorry to hear that your eczema has morphed into psoriasis. According to the NICE pathway your GP has followed the protocol. I uncerstand why tou'd like to speed things up and if I were you I'd call the appointments team and tell them that you are very happy to accept a last minute cancellation. There's lots of information on the forums and by clicking on the left and there is a dedicated helpline which certainly would , provide you with some advice. For me he budget holding GPs would not refer me but luckily I have private cover and am getting answers. Best of luck SS1980

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