
Posted Fri 25 May 2018 19.25 by Alison

Hi I'm new to the forum, I have lived with psoriasis for over 50 years and I am now thinking of trying hypnotherapy and wonder if anyone has tried it. The only time my skin cleared was the first time I became pregnant, I have tried most things creams, ointments, methotrexate, acitretin and UVB treatments some working better than others, so do I try hypnotherapy. Your opinions please.

Posted Fri 25 May 2018 19.47 by Busyphil

My sister tried it about 5 years ago did nothing at all maybe it controlled her stress levels but nothing to her skin

Posted Sat 26 May 2018 05.02 by new to it

controlling stress levels is a LOT that one can do to alleviate flare-ups of psoriasis! plus, take into account that skin cells and the nervous system come from the same origin in the embryonic evolution so they are strongly connected. hypnotherapy has been known to work very well on warts! I would definitely try it but make sure you find a hypno-therapist that is really properly trained and experienced!

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