Looking for Advice

Posted Wed 5 Sep 2018 21.18 by AbbyPerry

Hi, this is a bot long but any advice would be greatly appreciated: I first got psoriasis at the age of 7/8 on my scalp about the size of 20p coin. Doctors first thought it was dandruff and gave me dandruff treatment for about 2 year until it started spreading. From the age of 10-16 it kept spreading to fill the whole back of my scalp. Doctors kept prescribing me psoriasis shampoos, steroid creams, ointments, gels but none were effective and I felt doctors were no longer listening to me just prescribing me the next steroid on the list. After that I tried every natural treatment I could get my hands on from coconut oil to homemade creams and shampoos. Every summer I tried to get as much sun on my hair but it's thick and dark so not much luck there. I then moved to university and registered with a new doctor who referred me to a new hospital. That was a game changer in a way as this new doctor listened to my life story, I had a biopsy and they gave me a new path, Cyclosporine. This was great a tablet to take so much easier that all the greasy ointments that were impossible to get on my scalp, and shocker it worked but I could only be on it for 4 weeks and had to come off it, which was a bit of a relief as the side effects were horrid and really got me down. Then all hell broke loose it came back with a vengeance and for the first time in 8 years spread again covering my whole scalp and in and around my ears. I took a break again from prescriptions till my next appointment. Then they put me back on cyclosporine and this time it did nothing but I still had all the horrid side effects. I then moved back home and had to go through he whole registering with a doctor and being referred which has taken the best part of a year. My psoriasis is to date all over my scalp, in around my ears which is effecting my earwax, on my nails and now on my nipples. I've just had an appointment and told them everything including that its continuing to spread but they only looked at my scalp and I got given enstilar foam and coltar shampoos again. I used the foam left it on and washed it out in the morning except it didn't wash out, it looked like I had dipped my hair in a fat frier. I tried the coltar shampoo,my shampoo,coditioner,washing up liquid, I then found out baby oil should help. in total I washed my hair 10 times and it was still not back to normal, truth be told this really got me down `i had waited all this time for an appointment and got given something that didn't work and had left my hair in a mess. Honestly I'm at my wits end and I'm just wondering if anyone is going through this? It just keep slowly spreading and nothing I'm using or being prescribed is working and doctors just won't listen to what I'm saying. Thank you

Posted Wed 5 Sep 2018 23.08 by AbbyPerry

Thanks I might save and get a ubv lamb or comb it's one thing I've never been offered/tried. I've tried many diets, along with everything above but nothing yet has calmed it down or helped the scale/itch. I've never found anythings made it worse it's just bad constantly. I wrote this as I was just wondering if there was something I may not of tried yet and the lamp is one of those things I've just been put off as I've been worried it may not work for me and I didn't want to spend lots of money if that was the case, but I'll give it a go it may be the thing for me. Thanks so much, Abby

Posted Thu 6 Sep 2018 09.19 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

please read the post on blueberries. i have been in your shoes and it worked for me. Warren

Posted Thu 6 Sep 2018 16.21 by Jh0877

Sorry, I don’t have much experience with forums. I have been looking for a handheld Lamp for use on some very sore hands and fingers. I have seen the Much Better Skin hand held device and just wondered if anyone has and any experience with this or similar devices. I really appreciate any feedback Thanks

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