1Posted Sun 9 Feb 2014 09.44 by traceloulass I have had psoriasis for 26 years in varying degrees
I have had psoriasis since I was 10 and am now 36. I have had 2 babies in 3 years and was totally clear during pregnancy with a bad flare up straight after then settled down to hardly any p at all. I had my last baby in April and in October I had mirena coil fitted. I had very mild p but since having coil fitted I am covered and it is really itchy and sore (not normally like this for me).
Could it be connected to mirena? Hormone or just foreign body kicking immune system into gear?
Anyone any experience of this because I can't see any other reason for flare up?
I do noticed that my p got worse shortly after I've had the mirena coil put in. I would have the accassional flare up prior in one little spot on my scalp but now it's everywhere. Nothing seems to help.
Posted Sun 1 Jun 2014 22.09 by susan191052 Calves elbows 7 scalp particularly affected
I did not notice any change with the mirena.
Posted Thu 25 Jan 2018 23.25 by Doodles
Late to this party, judging by the date. I had a mirena coil fitted last Oct and my p has become unbearable! My scalp is one massive scar, the parts where I had managed to clear p from (legs, elbows and face) have come back along with new zones on my ribs. I think I need to get it out of me?!
Posted Sun 4 Feb 2018 22.15 by Michellet
Hi everyone, I have come onto this forum to try and find answers to what has recently happened to me.
I have had psoriasis since I was 5 and I am now 48.
For the last 2 years my psoriasis was completely clear and it has been amazing!
I then had my Mirena coil fitted late November 2017.
Week 8 I am now covered from head to feet in psoriasis and they are so itchy.
I really do believe that the coil has caused it and had it removed a week ago.
Fingers crossed the psoriasis will go once this is back out of my system.
Keep us posted Michelle! I’ll be interested to hear your results!
I’ve had the coil for 3 Years and all sorts of odd things have happened to my body in that time. Definitely going to get it taken out.
Although I’m now scared of what will happen once it’s removed!
Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 21.25 by Doodles
Hey Michelle I’ve had p since 2002 legs, scalp and elbows mainly. I had managed to clear up my scalp, legs and elbows until I had the coil fitted. Then all hell broke loose over the last 3 months it has come back with a vengeance scalp driving me insane, elbows and even pubic hair region! I can only put it down to the coil... can you let me know how you get on with removing it- I can’t get into the docs until March!
Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 22.05 by Michellet
Hi there, It is now nearly 2 weeks since the coil was taken out and my skin is terrible.! I am itching so badly and my psoriasis is everywhere.
I can’t believe that just over 2 weeks ago I had no psoriasis and now I am covered.
I know it is the coil that has done this because about 15 years ago when I had mild psoriasis I had the pill injection and the same thing happened, I just thought it was a random flare up, now I know it’s not.
Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 22.07 by Michellet
Hope you get it sorted soon and we can both keep each other informed with our progress.
Posted Thu 12 Apr 2018 15.14 by Parker3
I’ve had psoriasis since I was 9 years old (23 now) and got a mirena inserted Nov 2016. Previous to that, my psoriasis had completely cleared up and disappeared since I went vegan May 2015. About a month and a half after getting mirena, my psoriasis came back with a vengeance after I thought I’d never see it again. I’ve recently been developing worse autoimmune issues like extreme joint pains in my knees and fingers (at 23!!!) and a ton of gastrointestinal issues that I’ve never had before. I am getting my mirena removed in a few weeks because I am convinced it’s the root of all these problems and my psoriasis coming back. There should really be some research done on this connection, I’ve heard far too many people have the same problem.
1Posted Tue 5 Mar 2019 12.12 by NJ2424 (edited Tue 5 Mar 2019 12.13 by NJ2424)
Hi, I've been waiting to post this... in June 2017 I had the mirena coil fitted and 10days later developed my first area of psoriasis. New patches grew until I was covered 60-70% in ears, face, limbs, hands feet and back. Was prescribed various creams and emollients, dovobet,enstillar and finally UVB which worked the best. However 6 weeks ago my coil came out and I'm almost clear of plaques, just the residual scarring which will take time to fade. Fingers crossed it continues to improve now that I'm coil free.
Posted Sun 5 May 2019 07.38 by CombatP
Nj2424 keep us posted! I have had two mirenas and never had psoriasis or joint paint or stomach issues until I had Mirena. Here I am five years later after trying everything it just progressed. I trying accupunture and Chinese herbs to see if I can clear my psoriasis. After reading all your posts I’m almost confident that the Mirena is the culprit. I’m considering removing Mirena too, but I don’t know what other birth control out there that’s not going to cause side effects and I sure don’t want to be pregnant again in my forties. I’ll keep y’all posted on acupuncture
Posted Mon 3 Jun 2019 22.14 by Jenora
Do we really think the Mirena is linked to P ?
I’ve suffered for 30 years. Travelling down the long road of treatments.
Had mirena fitted in feb (menopause reasons) and my drug
( otezla) started to pretty much fail soon after. Never thought it would be connected. ?
So. Impossible menopause symptoms or Full body psoriasis?
Hi Everyone, It’s been over a year since I was on this forum and thought I would give an update.
So feb/ March 2018 I was covered from head to foot in psoriasis. By the June they were all gone again but left me with white patches so had light treatment at hospital.
A year later my skin is completely clear still, not a single psoriasis on my body.
I would never have anything like this put into my body ever again. It was definitely the mirena coil that caused the outbreak last year.
Did any of you see a difference when you had the coil taken out?
Posted Tue 4 Jun 2019 08.14 by Doodles
That is great news Michellet I still have mine in...the dr wouldn’t remove it said I had to give it time!! I’m still getting fed up with the constant itching and more and more plaques appear, even on my face now. I did have a steroid injection for another problem which gave me some respite...so glad to hear that you are clear
Posted Sat 22 Feb 2020 04.39 by AmandaP
I had a Mirena put in as part of surgery to diagnose and treat my endometriosis. I did not respond well to the surgery and was in immense pain for months afterwards. However, in the two weeks that ummediately followed surgey I was suffering from 2 symptoms that were very difficult to deal with; my uterus was contracting every half hour or so and I was covered head to toe in a bright red rash that my doctor called psoriasis. I had never experienced psoriasis prior to that. When I phoned my GP to complain about the rash and the horrific contractions, I told her that I thought that it was the Mirena which she doubted. But after seeing me in person she contacted my surgeon for an emergency appointment. The surgeon took one look at me and removed the Mirena on the spot. The rash disappeared overnight as did the contractions. I was still in extreme pain post surgery, but it was a very different type of pain than before. I would never advise for any of to get the Mirena on the off chance they had a similar reaction to me. The Mirena absolutely terrifies me.
Posted Sat 10 Oct 2020 05.31 by Kennedy
Hi, I found this forum in search of possible causes for the severe progression of scalp psoriasis I am experiencing. I've always had a bit of build up on my scalp. When I initially began having endo symptoms but had not been diagnosed, my doctors in the US put me on mirena. I began experiencing dandruff a little worse than usual. After having a laparoscopy in the UK, liletta was inserted. I'd say my dandruff/build up was equally troublesome. But after switching back to mirena (was experiencing gastral issues among many other things due to endo) within 3 months my scalp psoriasis began to worsen. Within the first 2 weeks of the pandemic, I had a thick layer of inflamed raised skin on the front half of my scalp. My hair, which seemed invincible, was now thinning around my hairline. I was prescribed a topical oil treatment and shampoo from a dermatologist. Though this calmed the extreme irritation I was experiencing, it only did so temporarily. Months later I am still struggling with the same unbearable symptoms and fearing potential loss of my hair. I was thinking perhaps I should try taking Otezla, however the side effects read as being extremely severe. With endo, which I do believe is curable, I think adding things into the mix is not helpful. After reading this forum Im thinking I will remove my IUD. However, the IUD keeps me from continuous bleeding (nearly everyday) from endo as well as intense pain. Still trying to solve all the struggles of this condition. Anything that's worked for you, please let me know!
Posted Fri 21 Oct 2022 13.42 by loylin
I just wanted to add to this thread. I got Mirena fitted July of 2022 and by August I was having a really bad psoriatic arthritis flare. I have been well controlled on meds for 7 years and started failing right after getting Mirena. I went in this week (October 2022) to have it removed after reading many women saying they noticed their psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis had gotten worse after Mirena, My Mirena iud has only been out for a couple of days so I have no results to report but I'll come back here and update if I have improvement. I am guessing it will take at least as long as it took to get this bad to get better if not longer. I regret getting the Mirena IUD 100%. Thank you to everyone who joined this conversation and helped me pinpoint that Mirena may be the trigger.
Posted Tue 15 Nov 2022 12.33 by Ali Oakley
Hay ladies,
I’d like to share my tale of itchy woe with all. I first started with psoriasis in my teens but it was confined to one patch on my inner thigh and ointments sorted it out. I then started on the combined pill and it progressed to my neck. Bad migraines followed and I had to come off. The p disappeared.
I had the odd mild flare over the course of my 20’s but nothing major. Largely clear. In my late 30’s my periods got very heavy and I was advised to get the mirena. Along with that, my psoriasis came back and to be honest it has never disappeared (it’s on my scalp).
I’m now in my 50’s and had to have it replaced in Jan this year (for hrt). My p is now uncontrollable. The hospital offered systemics but they scare me/side effects.
And having started with hrt in January the migraines are also back with a vengeance. My joints are swollen and all sorts of aches and pains that I didn’t have before.
In desperation I started doing more research and came across this thread. What a lightbulb moment!!
I’ve kept diaries over the years when having flares and I can tell you that I have very few food triggers (those I have- I avoid), with me it’s other factors - hormones.
I believe my psoriasis was exasperbated by the mirena. My body doesn’t want it in me. Today, I finally convinced my gp to get it out. It is gone.
I will update you all on my progress. I may feel worse, I may not… time will tell but I think I need to try this and see what happens. The alternative is serious systemic meds that come with their own list of nasty side effects.
I’m at the hospital tomorrow to see dermatologist, I’ll see what he says but I’m holding off on further meds until my body calms down and we’ll see where I’m at!
Chances are my menopause systems will come back with a vengeance but I’ll take night sweats over sore skin and joints and migraines every week!
Sorry it’s a long one… Hope it makes sense. I’ll report back…
Posted Mon 12 Dec 2022 08.15 by Doodles
Hi Ali, please let me know how you get on, I am about to embark on hrt and I am worried about what this will do to my psoriasis… although it is really bad again which I am putting down to the lack of hormones in my body, even though the coil set it off I am thinking now the major fluctuations is also causing this outbreak. My scalp is unbearable, not to mention my face legs and arms! I hope it calms it down for both of us. H
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