Healing Psoriasis - What Does Healing Look Like?

Posted Fri 12 Oct 2018 13.59 by G_W

I recently completed the Pagano regime for clearing psoriasis. This involved detoxing by eating apples for three days and drinking just water. I avoid the deadly nightshades, drink plenty of water and green tea and eat a mainly alkaline diet. Lamb is the only red meat I eat. In the morning I take slippery elm bark tea to heal my gut and I'm about to start drinking American yellow saffron tea in the evenings. The day after completing my detox, my skin began to worsen and has continued to do so over the past 10 days or so. I know that this flare up can happen but my skin doesn't seem to fit the healing pattern described in the books I've read. Can anyone else share their experience with healing? What stages did your skin go through and how long did it take? My skin has darker areas in many cases around the plaque lesions. New lesions are forming and I'm getting more discomfort/itching due to extreme dryness. Thanks for reading...

Posted Fri 12 Oct 2018 20.22 by wendyloish

Hi G_W, I think that your fast would have helped, but the consumption of apples would have worked against your aim, as apples are high in fructose, which is an inflammation causer and autoimmune trigger. After your fast you have added and subtracted to your diet with what overall intention? Why would you be avoiding acidic foods? What reaction do the nightshade vegetables have on you? Why lamb and not other meats? Ask yourself these questions, then look at what you are eating, as there may lie the cause of your problem. In other words, you might be eating things that may have a connection to your outbreak. And you could be eliminating things that will help you. Of course there may be another cause for your outbreak entirely, such as a virus. But setting that possibility aside, FODMAP foods may be your problem. these are foods that irritate the gut and cause an autoimmune reaction. Try eliminating gluten and dairy, and high fructose fruit and vegetables. Monash University has a website that will tell you what are the autoimmune trigger foods. Please have a look. Hope this helps wendyloish

Posted Sat 13 Oct 2018 17.13 by Yoofey (edited Sat 13 Oct 2018 17.14 by Yoofey)

G_W, Please listen to what I say. I have posted extensively on the Blueberries thread, I would strongly advise you read what I have posted in the hope that it would help you. I had never read about the Pagano diet, so I just looked it up now. It is quite remarkably bad to say the least and for a number of reasons. The food inclusion list is terrible beyond belief. The food exclusion list is not bad though. But you won't get results because you are still eating a lot of FODMAP (as Wendy correctly pointed out), which will never clear what is almost certainly the underlying cause - gut dysbiosis with secondary systemic bacterial and (predominantly) fungal infections. In the case of psoriasis, these manifest in the skin. You won't get rid of them without time and perseverance. And you wont get rid of them with that awful Pagano diet. I don't like to just say "I am correct, do as I say" but I wouldn't waste my time describing everything that is wrong with that Pagano diet. It is terrible beyond belief. Ditch it IMMEDIATELY. Wendy - in addition to the fructose, apple skin is also full of pectin, which is rapidly fermentable. BTW you dont need to drink saffron tea. I dont care who says you should because you dont need to. As it happens, I drink saffron tea every day for two good reasons - I love it and I have an Iranian friend who supplies me with free saffron. PLEASE read through my posts (I have thus far only posted on the blueberries thread) and implement my protocol STRICTLY for at least 5 weeks (although it might not take that long to see results). I CANNOT guarantee success but IMO it is your best shot. https://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/forums/topic.aspx?ID=1314 GOOD LUCK!

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