Anyone on Humira or Methotrexate

Posted Mon 9 Sep 2019 20.56 by JamesF

I have moderate psoriasis. I have tried all the topical treatments. In the earlier days it was coal tar, Betamethasone (Betnovate) and Nizoral (Ketoconazole).Then the strongest steroids like Clobetasol (Etrivex) and the Vitamin D derived drugs like Calcipotriene. They don't work and my psoriasis which was once only on my scalp and heels has now spread to my face, armpit, groin, belly button, nails, knees. I would really like to try Adalimumab known as Humira. Especially now the price has dropped by 80% and is a generic medicine. Otherwise I would like to try Methotrexate. Has anyone here tried either?

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 16.05 by thearchitect2019

Hi James, I have tried both Methotrexate and Humira and can honestly say that Humira is a wonder drug, it has changed my life. Please see my post that I put up today (15/09/2019).

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 20.48 by Ironlee

I had psoriasis all over my body for approx 18 years and the plaques covered my body like body armor. Enbrel was the miracle drug for me. I could not tolerate methotrexate and remained clear for nearly 13 years. The biologicals caused too many infections. Now im not on any meds and im experiencing psoriatic arthritis flare ups. Swollen fingers and swollen toes, pain at the ball of my feet, and raised finger and toe nails. My fear is that my PsA is rapidly progressing and may get worse.

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