Scalp Psoriasis - Temp Relief

Posted Wed 9 Oct 2019 08.29 by rapture83

I have scalp psoriasis, I’ve had it for many years now, a few years ago I managed to find a fix, it was TGel Ultra Strength, this completely cleared it, I stupidly stopped using it for a bit, it came back and now TGel no longer works, was as if this horrible thing found a defence against it so since then (2-3 years) I have and still am trying every shampoo under the sun from reading this forum and other sites online. I have found so far that nothing works, my scalp just feels itchy and flakes like mad! I watched a video on YouTube where someone said they done the following which was not a cure but provides relief....... Olive Oil! I assume many of you already know or have heard of this but I thought I would share my 1st attempt at this! So I poured some olive oil into a small tub, I then put the tub into a bowl and filled the bowl with hot water from the kettle, when the oil was warm I put 1 large tablespoon of coconut oil into the olive oil and mixed that until the coconut oil melted. I then with my fingers dipped into the oil and massaged this into my scalp until my psoriasis parts (which is a lot) were soaked with the olive oil mix. I left this on for about 2 hours before getting a comb and was able to scrape a good bit of the psoriasis away, once I got a bit away I then massaged my scalp a tiny bit more with the oil and left it on for another hour before washing my hair out with a tar shampoo that I have. The result so far? Well I done it 3 days ago, since then I have been washing my hair each morning with my tar shampoo and have had no flakes so far! Every single morning my flakes are ridiculous after I have a shower and my hair dries and the itch it’s back, so far NOTHING but the odd slight itch here and there but nothing like before! The person who done the video said that she does this once a week, my scalp feels a lot smoother when before it felt like solid patches, perhaps the tar shampoo actually getting to the psoriasis rather than the scales soaking it in might be helping, I’ll continue with this and see what happens, as I say it’s only day 3! I’ll post again in a week.. Hopefully this gives some of you some sort of slight relief from the flakes and itch as it has for me as it is ruining my life!!! Thanks

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