Severe pains in my calf is this psa?

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2020 10.41 by Cat

I’ve had psoriasis since my teen years and the Psa followed later in my back, later in the right elbow and more recently my left elbow and hands. I’m on methotrexate which was for my skin but not working anymore for the joints. In the last few months I’ve been getting pains and stiffness in my calf going down the back of my leg into my ankle and some numbness and pins and needles in my foot. The leg pain is getting worse and I’m not seeing a rheumatologist until end of March. Is this psa does anyone know? If it is any suggestions on what to take. I may go to the GP on Monday as it’s getting so bad it’s keeping me awake. Thanks

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2020 12.50 by Mac

Hi Cat. I think your putting too much hope in MTX, it won't eradicate the pain that's caused with PsA, but does tone it down. If they think it's not working as well as it did they could up the dose. Another thing I used along side MTX and worked really well is 10% Ibuprofen gel, I couldn't cope with out it. Sounds like it could help your leg. Good luck.

Posted Sat 8 Feb 2020 13.37 by Cat

Thanks Mac, I tried the 5% gel this morning and it was a bit better so I went and bought the 10% one when I popped to the shops earlier.

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