First flare up

Posted Tue 3 Mar 2020 20.13 by Lizzy (edited Tue 3 Mar 2020 20.15 by Lizzy)

Hello all, I thought I'd introduce myself with a long whinge! I am 52 and while I've had mild psoriasis on my head and elbows all my life I'm having my first flare up. I have no idea why. It started with my head which is spectacularly itchy and lumpy and tight with some painful weepy bits. Then followed my tummy button. At least I think it's psoriasis. My tummy became red and hot and painful so I explored and found what looked like a finger print sized grey ulcer in my tummy button. It had scarlet edges. I treated it with Betadine ointment and the infection died down with the ulcer slowly healing but there is still a watery discharge 6 weeks on. I've had another look and can still see a wound and bleeding. So now I'm using Neosporin ointment. Thanks Ebay. This coincided with a scarlet dot on my calf and a rash on my back. My doctor said it was all psoriasis (without looking in my tummy button which at that point was at the ulcer stage. She gave me Betnovate. The scarlet dot exploded in size and location and now my back, thighs, knees, calves and elbows are covered in plaques. Even down my bum crack! The itching is horrific. I'm scared I'll loose my bottom length hair my head is so bad. Even my ear holes itch. I use Polytar shampoo and ginger conditioner from the Body Shop and lots of bland moisturisers. So there's the horror story. I'm miserable and worried how bad this will get. Glad to get that off my chest. Sorry for the self pity. I realise its only been a couple of months while many of you have been suffering for years. It's just on top of diabetes, MS and depression it is about the final straw.

Posted Mon 9 Mar 2020 17.23 by Wusskat

Hi Lizzy Firstly sending you positive vibes - we all need them! Has your GP referred you to a dermatologist? I’m 54 and my psoriasis coincided with the start of the menopause. I was initially prescribed Betnovate which cleared the redness in a matter of days but I know I can’t rely on steroids. I’ve since been prescribed tacrolimus ointment and Pimecrolimus cream for my flexural psoriasis which started around my eyes (this has gone totally thank goodness) and I get it now on the inner elbows and around my neck. Very occasionally on my head too - dermovate scalp lotion sorts this overnight and I only use it maybe once every 2 months. To put your mind at rest I didn’t lose any hair with mine. I’ve had 2 severe flares in the past 12 months - going through one now and starting a new job on Monday (that’s probably why it’s flaring up). Sometimes the prescription helps, sometimes it doesn’t! I use Doublebase gel as a moisturiser (I got it in Superdrug from the pharmacy but you don’t need a prescription) though I do think it sometimes exacerbates the condition it’s the best thing I’ve used so far - I’m still trying to find the perfect balance between something that nourishes my skin without blocking it. I know stress is my trigger and when I’m really relaxed I swear I see my skin improve in a matter of hours. We all know how stressful the condition is and that only makes it worse - that cycle of stress-rash-more stress etc :-( Go back to your GP and ask for a referral - you need to get some specialist help. Hoping you get some relief from it - be kind to yourself x

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