Injections, Blood Tests and all the rest of it.

Posted Tue 7 Jul 2020 23.27 by Trudi1

I have Psoriasis on my feet and hands, my GP has now said I'll need injections, but he said that I'll need injections, but I will need blood tests so they can look at my liver and kidneys, I'm a bit confused as to why they need to look at them, could this be to check which medicine would be best for me? As far as I know my liver and kidneys are fine, well I hope they are.

Posted Wed 8 Jul 2020 12.14 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Many of the meds prescribed for P or PsA have side effects and regular blood checks are required. Sometimes bloods and xrays are needed before you can start a form of treatment. You may think your liver and kidney are fine but the docs have to have a starting point before commencing treatment and check regularly.

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