User manual for UVB TL01 Philips narrowband "canopy"

Posted Wed 18 Aug 2021 05.18 by mascip

Hi, would someone share with me the user manual of their UVB canopy? I live outside the UK so because of Brexit it became complicated and expensive to buy a UVB canopy like this one: But I found the Philips TL01 UVB light bulbs here in Portugal, and I am going to build a structure for them and make my own "canopy". But I would like to get the user manual for the canopy, to have an idea of how much to use it, and other information contained in the manual. It's for my wife. She is also going to try and see a dermatologist, but we are not sure how long it will take on the waiting list. She has already done a UVB treatment with a handheld device, which worked very well but it took a lot of time and it's not possible to do the whole body. The results were very good, and that's why we now want to have a canopy. We feel like it might change her life for the better. Thank you for your help. If you could share a user manual with us it would be very helpful. Good day to yous!

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