Private Light Therapy Treatment

Posted Mon 10 Jan 2022 21.51 by lilyvef

Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with Guttate psoriasis. I have been urgently referred for light therapy but unfortunately on the NHS there is an 8-10 weeks later and 2 weeks since my diagnosis they haven't even received my referral - meaning its delaying treatment further. My condition is really starting to effect me now and I wondered if anybody knew of any private photo light therapy treatment centres in the Sussex/ E Sussex/ Kent area? I am desperate and cant keep waiting! Many thanks.

Posted Tue 11 Jan 2022 00.41 by Yacht

MBS (Much Better Skin) is one example of a popular UK website that sells UVB light-therapy units. A full-body canopy works best (but is expensive). Be (very) careful not to burn. Start with as little as 10secs of UVB on day 1. Always speak with a doctor first, etc.

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