Psoriasis and Fungal infection

Posted Mon 14 Aug 2023 21.52 by Billy2018

Hi, I have psoriasis in two prominent places: belly button and pubic region. I have a MBS sunbed and that can clear my belly button but I am struggling with the pubic region. I’m a keen runner and have seen this region get gradually worse, some days better than others. I’ve notice nails have started to dimple and go a way they would for fungal infection. My groin area has a white discharge to it, I’m starting to think it’s a fungal infection rather than psoriasis. Has anyone else experienced similar? Thanks

Posted Wed 16 Aug 2023 10.23 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@billy2018: I used to get a rash in my groin, one side only. If I treated it with antifungal, it would diminish but not clear completely. I latyer figured out it seemed like "inverse psoriasis" together with a fungal element. I treated it with Triderm or Trimovate. It would clear, but come back after 4-6 weeks. I finally got rid of it using Trimovate and Elecon. Once clear, I changed to only drying the area (and my feet/toes) with paper towel rather than a normal towel - to reduce the chances of spreading a fungal infection. Once I dry the area, I apply an antifungal powder to ensure no residual moisture, and to help keep any fungal infection away. Since adopting this I have not had a recurrance for more than 1 year.

Posted Wed 16 Aug 2023 11.37 by New2This

@Billy2018 I have been fighting a very nasty fungal infection on both fingernails and toenails for several months. I have been taking terbinafine 250mg every day for weeks and I am pleased to say that my severe infection has almost cleared up. However, the next part is gonna gross everybody out and I apologise in advance. After several weeks of taking terbinafine, I noticed that the fungus was starting to lose and my nails were becoming much more pliable, to the point I could literally rip them off. Gross I know but now I have new nails forcing their way through and I'm happy about that.

Posted Fri 18 Aug 2023 06.40 by mt382 (edited Fri 18 Aug 2023 06.41 by mt382)

With fungal infections, you would need to cake the infected region plus ideally a few inches beyond (i know that sounds like a lot of skin, and it is), twice daily for a few weeks, otherwise it will inevitably return. Clothes obviously need high heat wash (I'd just by new underwear to be honest). Nobody really treats fungal infections correctly, hence they often come back. The above is a bit of a bother but that's how it's done. I would definitely go to the GP as the amount of cream that you'll actually need would be pricey off prescription. If it is inverse psoriasis as mentioned above, it'll likely have a fungal element anyway. You'll be able to see it more clearly once that's cleared and blast with steroid as appropriate.

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