Anybody any Tips For Guttate

Posted Sat 10 Sep 2016 12.32 by Peter3357

I have had guttate pso for 9 months now have had several different creams to no avail, I am on dovobet ointment and lotriderm cream just now, was on dovobet gel but was told by dermatologist gel is only for scalp, but doctor said it was for all of body, who do I believe?? Was going to sunbeds and think it was making a difference but came out in heat spots but don't know if sunbeds caused spots, Seen doctor about heatspots and doc said it was guttate psoriasis, going on holiday to Dominican Republic a week today but have psoriasis all over legs, buttocks, and some spots on arms. Anybody got any advice, I am feeling very low.

Posted Tue 25 Oct 2016 02.52 by JenSussex94

Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I was diagnosed with psoriasis in 2012. I have guttate psorasis the same as you, I felt so low and so unattractive however I saw a specialist and every week I went on a sun bed type thing however it was called "light therapy" you have to be referred by the doctor. My psoriasis covered at least every inch of my body. It has since calmed down a lot however I still have ongoing scalp psoriasis which I use neutrogena t gel shampoo and I also have a cream for any outbreaks on my skin, prescribed by the doctor which is called diprosalyic ointment, I put that on the affected area and in a couple of days my psoriasis looks so much better. I have never needed to go back for light therapy, I use the cream. Maybe go to the doctor and suggest this cream. Hope this helps, Jen

Posted Tue 25 Oct 2016 18.17 by sjp123

I too have guttate. I think the legs are the hardest to clear. I'm using Enstilar and it is improving though slowly. I was in Greece a month ago and had nothing on my legs now I have loads. I'm perplexed thought sun was good for my skin

Posted Wed 8 Feb 2017 20.08 by Betti

Hi I've had guttate for 8 months and it's just getting worse after numerous creams etc. Now on Acetretin for past 7 weeks and it's getting worse. Had 4 sessions UVB and got burnt in 4th session. Since then skin ( most of my body) flares up red and hot. Doctors keep saying I'm a mystery....which doesn't help me. Sorry not much for you.

Posted Mon 13 Feb 2017 13.20 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

I would recommend getting your GP to give you a derm referral and hopefully you'll be a candidate for UVB light therapy. It's not a quick fix but applying lotions to the little bits of P when you have guttate is a nightmare and next to impossible. I'd trust your derm over your GP - in my experience doctors don't know very much about P at all, I've been told aqueous cream will 'cure' me *rolls eyes* One thing that might help you emotionally right now is looking up blogs by people with P - I know how you feel (I'm flaring badly after nearly 10 years of very placid patches on just my knees and elbows - suddenly it's everywhere) but seeing that other people are living their life with P and are still happy, attractive and engaging really helps me. We are not our skin condition!

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