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09 August 2022

Oilatum Emollient available again

The manufacturer has confirmed that Oilatum Emollient is now back in stock.

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Back in April 2021 we reported that Oilatum Emollient was out of stock with no date given for its return. In November 2021, we received an update from the product's manufacturer, Thornton & Ross Ltd, stating that it was expected to return in February 2022.

In both February and May 2022, we contacted Thornton & Ross again and were told that no further update was available. However, in August 2022, Thornton & Ross confirmed that Oilatum Emollient was back in stock

If anyone has any questions, or would like to know more, you can get in touch with the manufacturer directly either by phone on 01484 848 164, or by email at

You can find more information about other currently unavailable treatments here.