Hell0 - and some questions

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 09.26 by RedDwarf

I've suffered from scalp psoriasis for years, plus psoriasis on my elbows. However, in the past few months I've had guttate psoriasis, which is getting increasingly bad and spreading right across my bum and back, with all the spots joining up. I went on holiday last month and my skin reacted really badly to the sun - I'd thought that sun was meant to help psoriasis?? I got a little pink one day and a few days later my skin became covered in small red spots wherever it was exposed to the sun. They're still here 4 weeks later and getting worse every day. So now my legs - especially the outsides and backs - are covered in big red spots that bleed and are so itchy, my scalp is worse, etc etc. I've been to the GP, who prescribed antibiotic cream. Used it for a month and it made no difference. I now have a stronger antibiotic - which is making no difference. Argh! I have some questions. My GP says that enstilar foam (which I have read is great) is not available on NHS prescription - where do you buy it from? Does losing weight help to clear up psoriasis? Does cutting out alcohol help? Is it normal in psoriasis for the sun to have the effect I've described? How long shld this last? How long does guttate psoriasis normally last? What are the best moisturisers you've found to calm skin down and stop itching? Which treatments work for you? It's really getting me down. My marriage is suffering because I feel so unattractive I don't want to be near my husband. It's affecting my confidence too as I'm sure people must notice me scratching. I'm going to look through the forums now. Thanks for your help, and I look forward to getting to know you.

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 09.37 by RedDwarf

And another question: does anyone else find that psoriasis on the backs of their legs gets worse if they sit too long? I have a sedentary job, and worry that's making my skin worse.

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 09.56 by Summer

Welcome RedDwarf Please don’t suffer in silence go back to your GP and tell them you want to see a dermatologist I have to leave in a minute I hope someone else will pop up and give you more help top of page Forums look for eating blueberries, so many comments and good results Also look up UVB light treatment again people with good results Loads of information in the Forums, you will be there all day Chin up try to stay positive All the best x

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 10.58 by OhNo_NotAgain?

RedDwarf: one of the difficulties in recommending treatments to others, is that what works for one person might not work as well, or hardly at all for someone else. Many people report that if they have a heavy night of drinking, their psoriasis gets worse. All I would recommended is try to stop or dramatically reduce your regular alcohol intake and see what it does for you. Try to eat healthy, and you might find it helps your psoriasis and helps you to lose weight. You need to try it and see what helps you. I have always found that the sun DOES greatly help my psoriais, but you MUST avoid burning - even a little pink is a sign of skin damage, and in some people psoriasis reacts badly to that. Places that are constantly warm and sweaty/moist can make psoriasis (and other skin problems) worse eg groin, where lower edge of breasts attach to the chest . . I am surprised to hear what your GP has said about Enstilar foam. People on here have reported receiving it on prescription. My own GP did not want to prescribe it for me as he was trying to limit my exposure to steroid, but he never said that it was not available on NHS (3 months ago). It is prescripotion-only, so you cannot easily buy it (online I saw it for over £100, but do not know if that would be genuine). There CAN be periodic temporary supply problems: https://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/psoriasis-and-treatments/unavailable-treatments My latest outbreak was guttate psoriasis and GP said it MIGHT recede after 6 months or so. Mine is now doing so, my latest outbreak flared up in February. I have tried alonst every available moisturiser. If you look at the top of this page there is a search bos, and if you type in the name of any moisturiser you can find discussions. The best I found for me, were: Doublebase Deyleve Gel, in 500g pump dispenser, available over the counter (I ordered from Boots online). It is an emollient and leaves a slight barrier. Doublebase Gel, in 500g pump, also available over the counter - but my GP had prescribed this for me. Oilatum: they have an emollient cream, but also a bath oil that you can use in the shower or bath, and I found EXCELLENT. I have seen claims of miracle results from Childs Farm, MooGoo, sorion, but they did nothing for me I had my first outbreak of psoriasis while at university 40 years ago - I had it all over my body and my face. My girlfriend at the time was hugely supportive and that helped me a lot. If your husband is not troubled by your skin, let him be close and support you.

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 13.24 by RedDwarf

Thank you, Summer! The GP has gone through the treatment pathway - referral to a dermatologist is a long way down the line... Wonder if I could refer myself and go private? Blueberries can't hurt...

Posted Tue 11 Sep 2018 13.27 by RedDwarf

Thanks, Ohno - some really helpful points there. It's just so weird - and frustrating - that this has suddenly flared up. My skin was never sensitiove to the sun before. Will try the lifestyle changes and will see how I get on with my current meds - topical vitamin D and scalp and skin, and antibiotic.

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