
Louis' Psoriasis was first triggered after experiencing a life changing accident at work. In his story, he talks about the flare ups he has had since diagnosis and why fundraising is so important to him.
FeetGuttateHandsPlaquePsoriatic arthritisScalpAdultBody imageCommunityFundraisingJoint painMental healthWork & employment

Rhiannon has lived with psoriasis since she was a teenager. In her story, she shares how much it impacts her daily.
Facial psoriasisFeetGuttatePlaqueScalpAdultBody imageItchMental healthStress

Annmarie has lived with psoriasis since she was 11. In her story, she shares how she has learnt to feel more comfortable in her skin over time.
FeetPlaquePsoriatic arthritisAdultBody imageJoint painWork & employment

Donald has been living with psoriasis since the early 2000s, but has found that Tai Chi helps him to cope with the physical pain that he sometimes suffers with, as well as helping to clear his mind.
FeetPlaqueAdultExerciseJoint painLifestyleLifestyle changeMobility

Nikki shares her experiences of palmoplantar pustulosis, a form of psoriasis that affects that affects the hands and feet. Nikki's psoriasis affected her mobility and confidence over the years. Here she talks about her journey to acceptance.
FeetHandsNailsPalmoplantar pustulosisPsoriatic arthritisAdultBody imageExerciseJoint painLifestyleMental healthStress