Annmarie's Story
Annmarie has lived with psoriasis since she was 11. In her story, she shares how she has learnt to feel more comfortable in her skin over time.
I have had psoriasis since I was 11 years old, I'm now 38.

I've used all sorts of creams and tablets
and it made it worse over the years. I'm now on Methotrexate injections and have been
since January 2023. So far it's so good on the injections!
I've now also got arthritis in my fingers and toes and that affects me loads with walking. Since I can remember it has affected me going out and has had an impact on wearing dresses and getting my legs or arms out. I would tend to cover up in all weather's which made my psoriasis worse.
But now, I've got my confidence back to not cover up. In the past with work situations, I've also been asked if it is contagious which really upset me. I often went away really down and upset.
I can now say I have accepted myself having psoriasis and dealing with it in much better way now I'm older!